Chinua Achebe “A Text Book Act” for Education |
Written by William Jackson
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 00:32 |
“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter…” Chinua Achebe
Imagine a law that did not allow you to read on certain days of the week, or at certain times of the day. Imagine a law that governed what you could and could not read. Imagine because of the color of your skin you were kept ignorant intentionally so that generations would be treated like cattle or worse.
As one of the founding fathers of literature in Nigeria, Chinua Achebe and others faced these same restrictions directed to keep Nigerians and even Africans oppressed mentally, this leads to limiting the skill sets for Nigerians and Africans to think and rationalize for themselves. The same was faced during slavery for Blacks in the Americas. The importance of education and being a life-long learner cannot be expressed in just text, but is shared through storytelling by the elders.
10 Ways to Be An Involved and Engaged Father This School Year |
Written by William Jackson
Thursday, 20 August 2015 23:31 |

“Fathers can and do change the world one child at a time”
Suggestions from a father, educator, mentor and community activist:
1. Fathers respect your child’s teacher(s)
One way to support education is to model respect for teachers and administrators. Fathers speak more by their actions than words, so visit schools and praise teachers and administrators.
2. Fathers spend time in the school
Even though it might be tough to visit schools at least once a month it makes a world of difference in a child’s behavior
and academic success. Spending time means sacrificing a lunch time, overtime or buddy time.
The rewards are great, just look in your child’s eyes and see. |
Written by Phillip Jackson
Friday, 10 April 2015 14:58 |

(Sri Lanka) What will America do with 40 million Black Americans now that there is no more cotton to pick? Even in states like Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, Black people are no longer involved in the planting, growing or harvesting of cotton. Nowadays these tasks are performed by White and Latino men and women. They drive machines that plant and pick the cotton while millions of Black men in the south are unemployed since transitioning from slave labor to surplus labor. And although picking cotton is not the most desirable job, for Black people in America, there is no more cotton to pick. Our American economy was built on the backs of Black slaves who were initially brought to America to work in the cotton, tobacco and sugar cane fields. America’s dilemma today is what to do with 40 million Black American descendants of those slaves who were shipped, as commodities, to American shores 400 years ago for their economic value yet whose heirs today are deemed of no value to America’s economic mission. While America might have once considered shipping Black Americans back to Africa, today that option is neither practical nor palatable.
The Majority of Black Americans are Living through worse economic conditions: Liquid Wealth of Black Americans $200 |
Written by Phillip Jackson
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:22 |

(Sri Lanka) Welcome to America, where Black Americans are more likely to be under-educated, unemployed and imprisoned than their White peers; where Black Americans, in general, have significantly less wealth, dramatically lower-quality housing, much poorer nutrition and sub-standard medical care. This is an America where Black people remain relatively silent while these conditions and a raging economic genocide, eliminate them, their children and their grandchildren from ever participating in the American mainstream!
Recent economic, wealth and employment reports confirm what much of Black America already knows: We are in serious TROUBLE and multitudes of Black people exist in deep poverty. Many Black people in America are not just poor by American standards; many of us are third-world poor. Black Americans are in an economic free-fall with no fiscal backstop. Many Black Americans will live their entire lives without ever having a positive net worth. Most Black people today who work are like "sharecroppers", men and families who did most or all of the work on a farm, but seldom earned enough to pay their debts and never owned anything of value.
The "Democratic" Origin and Evolution of Racism |
Written by Ezrah Aharone
Saturday, 28 June 2014 22:09 |

Einstein reasoned, you "cannot alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in the first place." In other words, solutions require thinking that transcends the mindset which caused and/or contributes to undesirable conditions. Using this premise to examine racism in America, the question becomes: To what origin is modern racism anchored and how can existing bounds of thought be transcended for new national discourse to redress the causes and conditions?
First, some honest but controversial realities must be recognized since racism did not emerge unexplainably. Racism in America originated from democracy in America. But America finds this offensive since it makes America's character appear no different than "undemocratic" people that America "won't negotiate with" today. To deflect this onus, America maintains the flawed notion that the impact of slavery and segregation is inconsequential . . . that 50 years of desegregation somehow nullifies 4 centuries of dehumanization.
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