The Psychology of Your Five Best Friends |
Written by W. Eric Croomes
Monday, 20 June 2016 22:42 |

Do our friends have an impact on our success and failure? Is negative peer pressure something only teens experience? Is it possible that our so-called friends say they have our best interests at heart but really don’t?
Yes. No. Yes.
Here’s the bottom line: Our ‘friends’ represent an invisible force field that can yield positive or negative results for our lives, depending on our ability to discern the meaning of such friendships and our willingness to take corrective action when circumstances deem it necessary.
Celebrating Fatherhood 10 Ways To Be A Better Father |
Written by William Jackson
Sunday, 12 June 2016 16:09 |

There are things that every father needs to know and should modify their behaviors when helping to raise their children whether in the home or not. The actions of fathers have serious effects on their children. The relationships of fathers and their children have lifelong effects on both.
A father’s words and actions carry tremendous weight throughout the life a child and shape the relationship behaviors of children into adulthood. Girls need fathers to show them what expectations to have on how they should be treated and respected. What they morally and ethically should expect from boys and men as they mature and why girls and women should have their own and not have to depend on anyone to provide for them.
A father and his daughter have a dynamic relationship that changes as both mature and grow into their roles. Fathers need to understand that daughters need their fathers for support, guidance, love, creating an atmosphere of trust and building self-esteem and self-development.
America's 'Exceptional' Lack of a Female President |
Written by Dr. Dinesh Sharma Ph.D
Sunday, 22 May 2016 16:08 |

Are Americans ready to elect a woman as president? A SUNY professor take a global
perspective on what it would mean for women's rights
Most Americans believe in the exceptionalism of our nation. However, when it comes to electing a female president, the U.S. is not exceptional. Rather it is an exception to the rule.
The U.S. ranks 97th in global ranking of women in government. Women hold only 19 percent of elected government offices here.
While many countries, including Germany, Denmark and even Rwanda have embraced quotas for gender representation in government, the U.S. has shown no interest in adopting such a policy.
America Is Designed for many Young Black Men to Fail |
Written by Phillip Jackson
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 23:46 |

Success for Young Black Men In America Is Accidental in many cases
Many people disagree with the title of this commentary. "You don't know what I been through to help make my Black son successful! I worked hard to get my son through school. I fought with gangs. I fought with the school. I fought with teachers. I fought with police. I fought with his friends. I fought with other parents. I held two jobs to pay for tutoring and private school. I moved to an expensive suburb. Please don't call my son's success accidental."
That's exactly why I call it "accidental." Black parents, and no parents in America, should have to fight that hard and in those ways to help their sons become successful. An accident is defined as an unplanned, unexpected, and not designed (not purposefully caused) event. Based on the data below, success for many Black males in America is not intentional, not expected, not planned, not the norm and not designed. Most Black males don't succeed because of their education in America, they succeed in spite of their education in America. Therefore, when success happens, it is "accidental."
The Value of LinkedIn for All Students |
Written by William D. Jackson
Saturday, 12 December 2015 20:48 |

Competition for employment, internships, scholarships, grants and other forms of financial assistance and entrance into higher education has grown tremendously in the past years. Students should understand that digital tools and resources that aid in obtaining/starting a professional career should be welcomed and are an investment in time. Social Media platforms are not valuable if they do not promote a student’s SWAG and Brand that holds the key to their talents, skills, abilities and leadership qualities. As an instructor at Edward Waters College teaching Educational Technology and Social Media I attempt to empower my students with the knowledge of using Social Media in a positive way.
One of the challenges for students is making a positive Brand and marketing it with SWAG, high lighting skills, talents, educational achievements, and leadership skills. A college/university undergraduate must sell themselves to the world they want to enter. Technology allows to transcend the physical networking and provides a digital platform by using professional services like LinkedIn to make connections that may have not otherwise occur.
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